The VERSION-DOS. ESPACIO. SUPER. PLAYER. ALSO. COUNTING. IN. OVERPOWERING. Also known as the V-2 E.S.P.A.C.I.O. is a cyborg supersoldier that was going to be specialized in combat and destruction, But was repurposed as a gardener, a fisher, AND a scavenger simply because of the fact that the War between the Espacios and the Silly Computers has ended.
His inner workings are both organic and artificial, having the finest amounts of killscreen inserted into him to make him able to move really fast. His durability and strength were also enhanced with @@, too!
He was given the ability to recover from the fresh "blood" of his foes(which is pretty much repurposing stolen code), however, he doesn't really need it to survive, unlike a specific GoPro.
If he wanted to, He would destroy Mydoom with enough time. But he just doesn't even think of it because he's just more focused on growing a basil plant. His real name is Edgar, But sometimes his own species call him "Super Pac-Man".
To put it short: V1 from home depot.