rock sport
rock sport
firewall with the program headset? damn
rock sport
rock sport
what is even going on
add daedalus from dvn (or atleast anything from dvn)
@Boss4tehwatcher yeah no to be honest the only ever time you'll see creepers appear are in fanart or older footage of db where creepers sometimes appear
you're missing the point!!! i saw the creeper from databrawl!!! it went fucking extinct infront of my eyes!!! i swear!!!
someone shall take deliver's place, take ownership of the characters, and then redesign them
hello, am 48 year man from somalia, sorry for my bed england, i selled my wife for internet connection for play "conter stirk", and i want to become the goodest player like you, i play with 400 ping on brazil server and i am global elite 2, pls no copy pasterino my story
did you know: we have surfaced on internet archive, or if you're a dumbass
malware in wot blitz moment
i cant find it and i need help finding it or if anyone has the image then yeah send it here
the number 1 sack people is living ballsack
@Marats00000 is correct.
Why should I? Because you're too lazy to even guess? Very original.
I mean, come on! We need a reference to this thing! I would like someone to guess what this is though, as i already know, but I want to see if anyone else knows.
Edit: Now that someone guessed, the correct answer is Ubuntu, guessing is now redundant.
I mean, it would've worked better as an accessory for Big Cube and Cube anyway, plus there was no small box anyway.
No like, seriously, there's nothing to do, even in DBRP. I try and roleplay, yet nobody even takes notice of me, because they are all treating the game like Databrawl Hangout (DBH) instead of Databrawl Roleplay like it's INTENDED TO BE. I'm so fucking tired of this, there should be something for me to do, I join to have fun despite the fact I know I won't have fun. I do have a fanclub I'm tryna make, just add me via my discord username in my profile in order to join it.