Binary Burgers, or Data Burgers in Battle Mode, are a type of food in the Dataverse. They resemble burgers and can both be obtained in Megabites, or through a food-spawning entity like a Chubb or a Bloatware.
More Facts[]
- Bloaty's Burgz originally had two Data Burger spawners. However, these spawners were removed on January 9, 2024 when Bloaty's Burgz's food items were replaced with specialized ones.
More Images[]
Triple Data Burgers are one of the many food items in the Dataverse. They are essentially "upgraded" versions of the typical Data Burger.
The item is considered a "Super Food" type since when it spawns in-game, it is packaged within a golden food bag. Other golden food types include Rotisserie Data Chicken and Personal Data Pizza.
More Facts[]
- The concept name for the Triple Data Burger before it was implemented into the game was "Triple Cheeseburger".
- Bloaty's Burgz originally had a Triple Data Burger spawner that was the only source of said food item other than Bloatware and its variants. However, this spawner was removed on January 9, 2024 when Bloaty's Burgz's food items were replaced with specialized ones.
- Said spawner still exists in Databrawl Roleplay however.
Cultural References
Sloppy Patties are a type of food in the Dataverse. Like the Data Burger, they resemble hamburgers. They are only obtainable at Bloaty's Burgz or through a Bloatware in combat, and are currently unobtainable in Databrawl Roleplay.
It is considered "Bad Food" alongside Muck Specials, which are unique in that they have a hidden "Slopped" value that goes up when you eat one. If this value goes above 2, you take 1.25x the amount it heals in damage.Binary/Data Burger - Cookie - Coolant Drop - Data Cake - Data Chicken - Data Pie - Data Pizza - Dotanut - Fizzy Coolant - Software Serve | |
Personal Data Pizza - Rotisserie Data Chicken - Triple Data Burger | |
Sloppy Patty - Muck Special | |
Corruption Heart - Cruggets - Eslocos Taco - Fragged Corn - Mega Fries - Minion Gummy - Program Heart - Sneezy Muffin - Droidder Soda |