Databrawl Wiki
Databrawl Wiki

Anthros are a very powerful character-class who are distinguished by how they have both arms and legs, unlike other typical character-classes. They also tend to have extra detail compared to typical character-classes.

When they are severely crippled in combat, they downgrade to a mini form. The mini forms that they downgrade to resemble their anthro forms, but also look like typical non-Anthro standard characters who lack arms and/or legs. Once downgraded to mini form, an anthro must regain full power in order to return to anthro form. The requirements into order for an anthro to gain power varies depending on what Dataspecies they are and other individual traits.

Regular non-Anthro class characters can also get upgraded and become anthro-class entities. The requirements in order for them to upgrade to this class depends on their Dataspecies. For Corruptions, one of the ways they can become an anthro-class entity is through killing a Motherboard and absorbing its essence.

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