Databrawl Wiki
Databrawl Wiki
Legacy Lore

This page contains many lore elements that are not considered part of the new, official lore. It's very unlikely that it will still be considered canon for new lore, but will maintain relevance in old lore.

Dust Bunnies are entities who reside in the Dataverse. They are not actually software of any kind, but are representations of real-life dust bunnies that affect computers and electronic devices.


Dust Bunnies are found in almost every system in the Dataverse, very small amounts of them roaming around aimlessly is a common sight regardless of the condition. Devoid of almost all sentience and sense of danger, they can be found anywhere and easily shooed away by Programs. But that said, they're not entirely harmless.

When large amounts of dust collects in the computer, it can cause efficiency drop, primarily due to said dust both retaining heat and preventing cooling systems (primarily fans) from dissipating heat. But it's not only heat that can be an issue, moving parts like the fan can also be physically effected if dust builds up too thick, or even worse, the computer might not be able to boot up again.

Specifically for Databrawl, Dust Bunnies have an additional property: bunnies can get "charged" by roaming around in areas where friction or electricity (circuitry) is found. If the current is strong enough, certain metal surfaces will cause a bunny to become fully charged until it's knocked off the surface. Charged bunnies will begin to act grumpy and refuse to be shooed away as easily, as well as delivering irritating shocks to those who get too close. Fully charged bunnies will act aggressively, and are capable of electric attacks, most commonly within striking distance, attacking indiscriminately towards any software unit be it a corruption or an inhabitant.

Software units cannot outright destroy dust bunnies, only disrupt them temporarily before they reform within the vicinity. The only way to rid the computer of (most) dust bunnies is for a User to physically clean the interior of the device.

More Facts[]

  • Dust Bunnies are named after dirt particles you'll usually find under your furniture named after the same name.
  • Dust Bunnies have no brains or brain-like organs of any kind.

More Images[]
