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Espacibells are the Holly version of Espacios. Not much is known about them.

Databrawl Battle Zone[]

In Battle Zone, Espacibell is a Special Token-earnable character for Corruption teams that is only available during Hectic Holiday event. Espacibell has the same movement as the Espacio.


Espacio Pickaxe - Espacibells wield the same pickaxes that regular Espacios do. It deals 44-48 damage and has a cooldown of 1.25 seconds. It is categorized as a "Swinging Melee" weapon.

Ringle Bell - Espacibells do not wield Power Pellets like Espacios. Instead, they wield Ringle Bells, which work exactly like Power Pellet does. When a Bell hits a target or the ground, it makes a shockwave which slows the movement speed of anyone in radius for three seconds and deals 24-28 damage. It has a cooldown of 20 seconds and a radius of 20 studs.

More Facts[]

  • Espacibells are based off of jingle bells.
  • Espacibell's name is a play on Espacio and bell.

More Images[]
