Databrawl Wiki

Firewall Executors are a class variant of Firewall Security that is larger, faster, and more powerful than the standard Firewall Security unit.

Databrawl Battle Zone[]


200HP (215 with VIP), 24 WALKSPEED.


Firepunchers - Firewall Executors can use their fists, called "Firepunchers", to beat up enemies. It does 46 damage while having a 1.1 seconds swing speed.

Fire Smash - Firewall Executors have the ability to peform an AOE "Fire Smash" attack by slamming their fists into the ground, which causes a cloud of fire to rise from the ground. It does 42 damage and has a cooldown of 20 seconds. This attack has a radius of 16 studs.

Fire Beam - Canonically, Firewall Executors can also shoot a laser called a "Fire Beam" out of the hole in their face. However, this move is no longer in Databrawl's Battle Zone due to the fact that it caused the game servers to freeze. It was still seen in Databrawl Roleplay until one day, it was removed for unknown reasons.

More Facts[]

  • In the Battle Zone, Firewall Executors originally carried fully functional Fire Canisters (called "Quarantine Gas" back in the day) just like the regular Firewall units. This was changed so that instead, Executors had a Ground Smash attack that emitted fire-colored dust particles and made a noise that sounded like fire. This attack was called "Fire Smash", and it did the exact same thing that the Corruption Brawlers' Ground Smash does. Then, the Fire Smash was replaced by the Fire Beam attack. The Fire Beam was a canon "signature" Executor move before it was actually placed into the game. Initially, it seemed there were no plans to put the "signature" move into the game, but then it got into the game. However, on 23rd of August, Duncan told these beam attacks caused a massive lag in the game and replacing them would some time to do, he replaced the Fire Beam attack back to the Fire Smash.
  • There was a Restricted character called "Rapid Firewall Executor". Its description read as follows: "This modified Firewall Executor can shoot Fire Beams at an alarming rate, corruptions be wary."
  • On August 28, 2023, Firewall Executors were remodeled and given accessories.
    • Firewall Executor's "Business Bot" accessory is reused from a standalone character that is now removed due to it being associated with a character whose creator requested their removal.
    • Firewall Executor's "Headbutt Module" accessory was designed by Typie555.

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