This page contains content that may or may not be canon to Databrawl.
Javas are benevolent entities. Their heads and bodies are filled with coffee, and the white part on their head prevents the liquid from pouring out in the case that a Java gets flipped over. Without this coffee, Javas will die, as their coffee is to them as what blood is to a human.
In a computer, there is usually only one individual Java. These individuals have many workers called Java Scripters which resemble them, but are smaller than them.
The particular Java in the computer that Databrawl and Databrawl Roleplay takes place in uses male pronouns (he/him).
Javas can use their coffee as a weapon by controlling it and shooting out and such, but this is risky to them since their coffee is absolutely crucial to their survival.
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Java Scripters are benevolent entities. As their namesake and appearance implies, they act as the workforce of Java, helping him at his cafe. They are visually similar to Java, albeit smaller.
Java Scripters also possess coffee for blood, which they can also wield as a weapon by ejecting it. This, of course, is risky due to it being the equivalent of blood loss.
Databrawl Battle Zone[]
In the Battle Zone, Java Scripters are a Mega Token-earnable character. Their moveset is lifted from a character removed from Databrawl due to their creator not wanting to be involved with it anymore. Out of respect for the creator, the character will not be named or shown on this page.
Java Scripters have 150 Health (165 with VIP) and 26 Walkspeed.
Fists - Java Scripters can punch with their fists using this attack. These particular fists deal 26 damage.
Cool Splash - Java Scripters can spew out four large drops of coffee that damage nearby enemies and heal nearby allies. The drops have a radius of ?? studs, heal allies ??HP, and damage enemies 30 HP. This attack has a cooldown of 15 seconds. This attack is categorized as an "Explosive Attack".
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Real World Counterpart[]
In real life, Java is a widely used programming language that is object-oriented, high-level, and class-based. It is used by many programmers across the world to create code. Its syntax is similar to C and C++, but with fewer low-level facilities.
More Facts[]
- Java's name was changed to Mocha on June 6, 2020 due to copyright concerns.
- However, as of December 12, 2021, Mocha has officially been renamed "Java".
- Java and Java Scripters have went through a few design changes throughout their existence, as seen in their concept art.
- There is an easter egg of Java on the upper floor of the Hard Disco.
- This is a reference to the roleplays Teuton (Hard Disk creator) and Zeilao (Java creator) would have featuring both of their characters respectively.
- Hard Disk and Java are close friends.
- Java was originally a restricted character.
- Java is canonically a homosexual.
- Java runs a cafe known as Java™ Cafe() where he sells coffee with the help of his Scripters.
- Java's cafe has been mentioned/featured in several media forms: in a Cookie Factory advertisement, Java Scripters' description, concept art for a Program barista occupation, and an interior-less cafe seen in the Databrawl Halloween event map.
- Oddly enough, Java's description does not mention his cafe, instead describing its real world scripting language and application.
- The cafe itself has never been seen fully modeled in game, although with the recent revamps done to the Quiet Structures has introduced a new standalone building neighboring the Hard Disco that may possibly be the placeholder for the cafe.
- Java Scripter is one of 7 characters earned by collecting a Mega Token.
- Both Java and Java Scripter are capable of using their coffee in combat, but Java Scripter is the only one who's been granted the ability to do so in-game, more specifically in Battle Version.
- However, the "risky" aspect of Java Scripter wielding their coffee is not reflected in-game; it can use the ability without taking damage.