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Megabites is a fast-food restaurant located parallel to the Program Apartments and Hard Disco.

Structure Identifications[]

Main Dining Area[]

This is the main area, having a similar (but not identical) layout to the previous McDod dining area. There are dining booths lining the walls for guests to take a seat and eat, as well as a counter in the middle to order and receive foodstuff.


An area accessible through an entrance in the dining area and an exit in the back of the building, this is where all the orders are processed, cooked, and distributed back into the dining area.


The Exterior of Megabites.

More Facts[]

  • Megabites is the replacement to the now mostly-removed McDod.
  • Megabites' building design was repurposed from an old revamp concept for McDod.
  • The name is a play on words of the term "Megabytes" but replacing the word Byte with Bite. That's the joke. Despite this, people are still confused by this and suggest the place is renamed to "Megabytes."

More Images[]
