Databrawl Wiki
Databrawl Wiki
Legacy Lore

This page contains many lore elements that are not considered part of the new, official lore. It's very unlikely that it will still be considered canon for new lore, but will maintain relevance in old lore.

Paingrams are one of the several Program types. They are mainly found in Hatra Computers.

According to DuncanDunclub, Paingrams are."[...] made to be slaughtered", "made to be enslaved", and "made to be seen as lesser beings".

Paingrams constantly suffer in Hatra Computers under the oppressive rule of Hatraboards and the oppressive enforcement of Torturewall Obscurity units. Due to this, Paingrams cannot feel joy in their usual environment.

More Images[]

Paingram Ravines are the Hatra variant of Program Chubbs. They have a literal ravine in their stomach.

Not much is known about them.

Paingram Adipose are basically Pain Bloatware. Not much is known about them except that Torturewall Obscurity do horrible things to them for no reason. They are also notable for their apparent lack of hands, although this could be a perspective matter, and their heart is apparently inside their body, unlike most Programs (who have hearts in their head).

They were introduced on April 7th, 2021.

More Facts[]

  • Adipose is basically tissue used to store fat. Paingram Adiposes are Bloatware and very fleshy, so this name makes sense.
