Typie555 is one of Databrawl's contributors and moderators. They contributed Demoware the Malware graffiti seen around the Standard Computer map that Databrawl mainly takes place in, and the design for Firewall Executor's "Headbutt Module" accessory.
Popo is a small blob creature who is one of Typie555's OCs. According to Typie555, the creature has the voice of a "boisterous toddler".
The creature was not originally designed as a Databrawl-related character, and was simply recreated in the digital Databrawl style after Typie555 contributed content to the game. Popo fills in the role of a self-insert, but technically isn't one.
In-game, Popo has the "Physics" tool ability, which allows them to flop around and ragdoll everywhere like a 3D Object.