TYPE: Prime "Soul"
Little is known about him. Nobody exactly knows if he's a corruption or friendly.
Judging by his armies, many assume he's a corruption due to also having his lesser units being able to corrupt lesser units as a temporary solution before being exactly like him with slight altercations.
He is, however, a real eyesore with attacks, having way too many to list off of which competes with the unfairness he has. He also nearly took over a computer before being sealed away down in the deepest pits of the void. No source is able to back a claim that somebody awakened him from the slumber in his "WEAK" prison "skillfully" crafted by his good and fair version, bod. There are also rumors that if you push dod's limits, you'll witness his "true" form with no sources to also back this claim. With the amount of boredom he is experiencing, one must imagine dod happy.
There is none, if you make him angry, you better start running.