Databrawl Wiki

Hello everybody! It's me. Some or most people may not recognize me but hello to all of my friends returning to see me again. If you're new here, hello! My name is FirewallGeneral. I'm not the most notable member or the most interesting but I am simply the Firewall General. Not much introduction because I want to get to the main point of this: my return! I know I said that I would before but this is for real this time. No joke, no scam. Heh heh... Anyways, I wanted to let you all know that I am returning through comments and blogs. And maybe more contributions for the wiki, who knows. But, I plan on using blogs kind of like podcasts. Talking about things and stuff. I've also noticed that this wiki is starting to die down. And I can't let that happen. So, I'm hoping my return can lift the spirits of this wiki. I know school and stuff has started or is starting for some people but that doesn't matter. Education is for people who want a "job" and live in a "society" and "community". But who cares about that, right? The important thing is that this wiki needs to be alive, not dead. Because nobody likes a graveyard. Except for people who like graveyards... But that's not the point. Point is: Get. This. Wiki. Alive. See you when I see you all next time!