Tropical Fan Pc Special Characters 2
Hardware: Hardurian (durian + hardware): info tba
Bloatware: Cocogram Tree (coconut tree + bloatware): info tba
Software: Sorbetware (sorbet + software):info tba
Princess RAM: Blooming Cocogram (coconut flower + Princess Ram): info tba
Edgygram: Cracked Cocogram (cracked coconut + edgygram): info tba
Cookie: fruit tart (its a fruit cookie, duh): info tba
Tropical Fan Pc Special Characters
Spyware: Starware (starfruit + spyware): tools: Star Dagger (deals acid effect, basically health drain, but no lifesteal) Star Flash (shoots a ring of star projectiles that act like mini flashbangs, no invis)
CIH: BIHberry (blueberry + CIH): FIHsts, (standard fists) Ally launch/ Stone Toss (can throw an ally nearby with permission into battle, like from hill to mid when bridge is down)
Happy99: Pitaya99 (dragonfruit + happy99): Seed Shot (shoots out seeds that lifesteal) Growth Spinner (you stand still and spin your fists, leeching enemies health and healing allies health) SDKMPSS (or whatever is called, the big boom)
Creeper: Creepineapple (pineapple + creeper): Quickest fists (duh) Acid Wave (reskin of sonic wave) Petal Copter (shoots the u…
Tropic computer blog (Fan PC)
The tropical computer is supposed to be a pc that has modded water cooling, hence why the computer is a giant beach with a coolant ocean around it.
McDod: Tropic Diner (name in progress)
software sweets: Sorbetware sweets
The databank is the same name, but it'll look different
inception antivirus: relaxation antiware
antiware hospital: Tropica ER
Standard Units (non special)
Malware: Mangware, Mangware stump (brawler), Mangware chunk (nybble) mangware seed (byte)
virus: Citrus, citrus stump (brawler), citrus chunk (nybble) citrus seed (byte)
program: cocogram, cocogram palm (chubb) cocogram leaf (gyggle) cocogram seed (byte)
firewall: vacatiowall security, Vacatiowall escort (executor) vacatiowall pathfinder (sentinel) vacatiowall scanner (sc…
Advanced special/ corruption modified special ideas
This is for ideas, feel free to add on
current ideas, tba